Monday, January 7, 2008

Not built like a yogini

This morning I went to yoga.  

I was late (I am always running late, it seems) and I almost didn't go in.  Couldn't find parking, and when I got there they had already started.  A room full of mostly elderly women, sitting on chairs doing breathing exercises.  I poked my head in the door, then backed out.  Put my boots back on, zipped my jacket up and started to head for the door.  

The instructor had seen me, though, and came out to say hello and tell me to come in.  She's really nice, the same instructor who was here the first time I came, a few months ago.  People scooted over to make room for me and I finally settled in.

"Gentle yoga" is for people who have an injury, arthritis, or pain.  The poses are mostly modified, really easy, designed to be as gentle on the body as possible.  Still, I had to modify the already modified exercises.  My hips are so tight I can't sit cross-legged, so hip opening exercises are agony.  Weak wrists mean I can't do downward dog or tabletop except on my forearms.  I couldn't touch my toes if my life depended on it.  It was embarrassing.

Still, I did it.

My guess is that I'll need to go multiple times a week to really see a benefit.  I can do gentle yoga on Monday mornings and a beginner hatha class on Wednesdays, and hopefully that will help me get in touch with my body.  They've got an unlimited pass for $50 for January, and I think I'll pick that up when I go Wednesday.  (Today was free because it was my second class.)

It would be pretty awesome if I became flexible and strong (two words never used to describe my physical state) in the pursuit of my sexuality.  I could be "hot" in so many ways.  

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